The clothes drawer houses very important garments on a day-to-day basis, so it must always be clean and tidy.

Cleaning out the underwear drawer is really important. There coexist a large number of garments for daily use and others that tend to be forgotten little by little. In any case, between one textile and another, bacteria and dust begin to accumulate, which is not convenient to have in this drawer.

Precisely for this reason, in this note, we are going to give you some tips that will help you to leave this space clean and functional, with just what you need on a day-to-day basis. Keep reading!

Why is it important to clean this drawer?

Cleaning the underwear drawer is very important for several reasons. One of them has to do with the high probability that bacteria swarm in this space. New, used and very very used underwear arrives in this drawer, so it is easy for bacteria to go from one place to another.

To be more specific, there is a study that indicates that new garments contain countless microorganisms and traces of chemicals that can affect health. For this reason, it is recommended to wash clothes very well before using them or putting them in the drawers where you keep them.

So, if you don't do this, rest assured that you will be exposing yourself to bacteria that, in the long run, remain on your other clothes and even on the walls of your underwear drawer. On the other hand, it must be remembered that these garments should be changed once a year to avoid the further proliferation of fungi and bacteria that can cause irritations and infections.

How to clean your underwear drawer?

Now that you know how important it is to clean out your underwear drawer, it's time to follow some tips to do it properly. We will go beyond the garments, to also focus on the surfaces of this area. Write down the details and keep this space impeccable!

1. Start by emptying the drawer

The first step to start cleaning your underwear drawer begins by emptying it completely. Take the opportunity to clean it inside with the help of a cloth and a homemade mixture of liquid soap, water, and white vinegar. Be sure to blot with another cloth and allow the drawer to dry completely.

While this is happening, throw away any items that you have owned for more than a year or that are already very worn. Immediately afterward, divide the textiles that you have left by categories: socks, panties, and camisoles, among others.

2. Lean on organizers

The organizers are of great help, as their name indicates, to give order to your clothes inside the drawer. This will make it much easier to distribute the textiles and prevent them from coming into contact with each other. This is especially when we talk about panties and socks, which are better to keep separate.

3. Cleans the socks very well

Take advantage of the first step to eliminate socks that do not have a pair, you will not use them again and they take up vital space in the drawer. Do the same with those that are broken or wasted.

Fold the remaining socks and put them in the corresponding organizer. Keep in mind to wash these garments separately so that they do not get speckled and so that the bacteria and microorganisms that inhabit the feet do not come into contact with other garments.

4. Pay special attention to panties and bras

Panties are one of the most important undergarments, so take good care of them. Those that have been used for more than a year should be thrown away, just like those that are broken, with loose or visibly worn elastic bands.

Fold them and arrange them very well in the organizer that you have chosen for them. Repeat this same protocol with the bras, do not save those that have loose straps or sticking-out rods. For the rest, change these clothes daily and wash them very well, making sure that there are no traces of soap or other cleaning products that can irritate you.

5. Avoid humidity in your underwear drawer

To conclude with the cleaning and organization of your underwear drawer, we invite you to avoid humidity inside it. This can be achieved in two ways.

The first has to do with making sure you don't keep wet clothes under any circumstances. The second includes buying an anti-humidity product that you prefer, which you can place in the center of the drawer and between the organizers.

It's that easy to clean the underwear drawer!

By following the steps that we share with you, you will achieve a good cleaning of your underwear drawer. In addition to being visually pleasing to you every time you open it, you'll know that everything in there is safe to use.